the TypeScript style iterator
true if this set did not already contain the specified element
the least element greater than or equal to item, or null if there is no such element
true if this set contains the specified element
the first (lowest) element currently in this set, undefined if there are no elements in this set
the greatest element less than or equal to e, or null if there is no such element
the least key greater than key, or null if there is no such key
the least element greater than the given element, or null if there is no such element
true if this set contains no elements
the Java style iterator
the last (highest) element currently in this set, undefined if there are no elements in this set
the greatest element less than the given element, or null if there is no such element
the first (lowest) element, or null if this set is empty
the last (highest) element, or null if this set is empty
true if the set contained the specified element
the number of elements in this set (its cardinality)
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